Petit Brook Veterinary Clinic
Colchester, VT
Located on the northern edge of Colchester village, and flanked by other commercial properties, this building faces the classic entrance conundrum: does the entry face the road, even though parking is required to be placed away from the road? Parking behind the building (zoning rules don't allow in front) and requiring all staff and clients to walk around is not acceptable, especially when clients are often transporting ill pets in carriers, or during Vermont’s ling winter season. The prominent waiting room gable window adjacent to the entrance drive alerts clients and visitors to rear entrance. A key program feature for this client was to separate the waiting spaces into cat and dog areas, to lessen anxiety for cats waiting to be seen. All exam rooms feature only one entrance, but the hall serving them is separated from public functions of waiting and retail. Back-of-house functions include laboratory, surgery suite, kennel, ICU, etc., all of which connect to a separate staff entrance, which also connects to small second story staff meeting space and mechanical room. The white clapboard finish and black windows clad a crisp and inviting form along a busy highway, only about a half-mile from an interstate highway exchange.
(Photo Credit: Gary Hall)